Backpain can cause temporary or permanent limitation of mobility to workers until they need sick leave and treatment. Back pain is also known as the second leading cause of sick leave. The objective of this study was to analyze back pain impact to work attendance among paramedics working at 3 hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study was conducted in three hospitals in Jakarta. The subj…
Active pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) cases and drug resistance Myco-baterium tuberculosis strain increase the risk of health workers who contact to TB patients. Primary Health Care (PHC) workers in Indonesia have the risk to be exposed to M. tuberculosis in workplace. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of occupational health and safety concerning prevention of M. tuberculosis tra…
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted, involving 509 workers, in 50 health centers (PHC referral microscopic and PHC self- executing) of 6 districts/cities of 3 provinces. Data pulmonary tuberculosis in the last 12 months based on diagnose by health professionals was collected. Sputum specimen examination conducted in the laboratory Primary Health Center and confirmed with two refere…
Back pain is the most frequent musculosceletal diorders and still be a problem in paramedics.The objective of this study was to identify back pain among paramedics who work in several hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study was conducted to paramedics who were working at care unit of three hospitals in Jakarta. Back pain was diagnosed by anamnesis and physical examination by physicians. …
Laboratorium merupakan salah satu lokasi kerja di pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan risiko lebih tinggi untuk terpapar kuman TB lebih tinggi dibandingkan ruang kerja lainnya. Kewaspadaan dan perilaku pencegahan penyakit menular terutama TB pada pekerja laboratorium sangat perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi praktek pencegahan penyakit menular dan faktor yang berperan…
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the commonest cumulative traumatic disorder caused by medianus nerve entrapment in carpal tunnel at the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is related to repetitive biomechanical movement in hand at work. To prevent CTS, workers can do the job conditioning, perform stretching exercises, and take frequent rest breaks. Objectives: to evaluate the role of hand exer…