Penetuan Jumlah Tanin Total pada Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) Secara Kolorimetri dengan Preaksi Biru Prusia
Detenmination of total tannin of Sambang darah (Exoecaria bicolor Hasak) leaf, and jati belanda (Guazuma Ulmifolia Lamk) leaf colorimetric method using prusian blue reagent have been carried out. Total tannin of jati belanda leaf and sambaing darah leaf were 0.0138±0.0002% and 0.0173±0.0002%. The validation parameter using tannic acid as refence material gave correlation coefficient ®=0,9982, limit of detection (LOD) 0.1879 µg/mL-6 µg/mL, limit of quantitation (LOQ)=0.6325 µg/mL, the linearity range 1µg/mL, - 6 µg/mL, coefficient of variation (%CV) were 0,70% for jati belanda leaf and 1.3% for sambaing darah leaf. Percent recovery were 84.320±0.59% for jati beland leaf, and 93.80±1.23% for sambaing darah leaf.
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