Field Study of Nutrition and Food in Cirebon (Kajian Lapangan Pangan dan Gizi di Kabupaten Cirebon)
Posyandu and Food
Nutrition Diversification IDPG are programs to improve consumption, nutritional and health status. The objective of the study was to analyze performance of posyandu and DPG programs at field levels. The study was conducted in May-December 1996 in Cirebon District. Four subdistricts (12 villages) were chosen purposively. Total samples were 60 families. Data collected was: frequency of children weighed, posyandu services, knowledge of vitamin A
iron tablet, supplemental food program, information of DPG Package, and its usage. The study showed that community participation to posyandu was good. However, most of them considered posyandu as children weighing center only. Food supplemental program had already practiced regularly. About 25 percent respondent did'nt understand the importance of high dosed vitamin A and iron tablet. Packages of the DPG program, especially sheep and chicken, were considered beneficial.
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