Pencatatan Sipil dan Statistik Hayati (PS2H) adalah sistem yang berkaitan dengan hukum dan peristiwa penting dalam populasi seperti kelahiran, kematian, penyebab kematian, dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perubahan status individu. Informasi-informasi tersebut sangat penting dan dapat dipergunakan untuk mengukur indikator dan menjadi bahan perencanaan program suatu negara. Oleh karena itu info…
Background: Iodine Deficiency Disorder (100) reduction program has been implemented since 1976. According to the National Economic Survey 2002, the average consumption of iodized salt was 6. 26 grams. The results of Iodine Salt Survey (SGY) 2003 showed that the consumption of iodine salt at the household level was 73.2%, meanwhile, the baseline health survey (Riskesdas) 2007 showed there was re…
Mortality statistic was essential to provide basic information on the status of population health. Indonesia does not have a standard national role for recording and reporting cause of death for every case that occurs in hospital or at home. In 2005 NIHRD colaberations with WHO and universiy of Queensland to develped “Sertifikat Meds Penyebab Kematian” and verbal Aotopsi. This certificate w…