A biomaterial used oral cavity should not become toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, and allergenic. Chitoson represents a new biomaterial in dentistry. To examine the toxicity of chitosan from tiger prawn shell waste on cell culture with MTT assay. Chitosan with concentration of 0.25%, 0,5%, 0.75% and 1% was used in this experiment Each sample was immersed on eppendor microtubes containing media c…
Tonue as the taste sense is very important for the human life. Tongue function a presented by taste bud. Sensitivity on the tongue of one of them is influenced by smoking habits. When smoked cigarettes, nicotine that contain in the cigarettes are condensated will be stick to the teeth, tongue, pelatum, gingiva, taste bud and sense of taste reseptor membrane around the taste pore and inhibit the…
For the families of individuals with schizophrenia, the illness can likewise be perplexing and burdensome. Understanding which symptoms are most problematic may be critical to helping families cope more effectively with mental illness. This study was aimed to examine association between caregiver burden and the positive and negative symptoms of Positive and Negative Symptom Scale for Schizophre…