Malaria masih merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang sulit diberantas dan merupakan masalah kesehatan diseluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Separuh penduduk dunia berisiko tertular malaria karena hidup di lebih dari 100 negara yang masih endemis malaria. Malaria dapat ditularkan oleh vektor malaria yaitu nyamuk Anopheles sp. Di Indonesia, pemerintah telah melaksanakan pengendalian vector …
ABSTRACT Malaria is still one of the infectious disease that difficult to eradicate and become health problems all over the world including Indonesia. Half of the world's population are at risk of contracting malaria because of living in more than 100 countries still endemic to malaria. Malaria can be transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes which vector of malaria. Indonesian government has carr…
Malaria was one of the vector-borne diseases that still becoming a health problem in Indonesia. It closely related with the environment condition. The case of malaria in Nongsa subdistrict was high with the highest Annual Parasite Incidence (API) in Sambau village was 34%o in 2007, whereas in Batu Besar village 2.3%o. The aim of this research was to know bionomic of An.sundaicus malaria vector …
Dengue hemmorrhagic fever (DHF) is the one of vector born diseases which is a one a public health problem in Indonesia. The distribution and number of DHF cases are increases in Indonesia every years. The vector control using larvicides should be tested to know the effectivity. This reports describes the efficacy of larvacide altosid® 1.3 g for DHF vector Aedes aegypti control in three doses 2…
Kondisi lingkungan yang bervariasi menyebabkan terbentuknya zonasi vegetasi mangrove yang berlapis-lapis, mulai bagian terluar yang sering terkena ombak laut dan gelombang laut serta bagian yang relatif kering di pedalaman. Penelitian tumbuhan berpotensi dilakukan pada tahun 2005, di pulau Kotok dan pulau Rambut yang mewakili vegetasi hutan bakau di Kepulauan Seribu. Pengambilan data menggunaka…