ABSTRACT. Dengue Fever Disease is still regarded as an endemic disease in Banjul- City. hybrmation is still required to map dengue fever case distribution, mean center of case distribution. and the direction of dengue fever case dispersion in order to .support the surveillance program in the relation to the vast area of the dengue fever disease control program. The objective of the research…
Background: Bacterial contamination is a common phenomenon in foods served in campus canteens and my cause physical illness which will affect academic activity. The aim of this study was to rank the level of Escherichia coli contamination in food and drink in campus canteens. Methods: Forty nine (49) foods and 24 types of drink were examined using conventional agar broth method for calculati…
Of the main causes of high infant mortality rale is birth weight under 2500 gram (Iow birth weighULBW). Base on data from Indonesian Hospital Statistic in 2005 =, as much as 40,7% baby's death was caused by low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, fetal malnutrition, and problem rela¬ted with term of pregnancy. Base on data from sample, LBW in RSUD Pasar Rebo in 2007 reached 8,7%.Thi…
Malaria outbreak in the period of 1998•2003 was occurred in 15 province including 84 endemic villages with number of cases of 27 000 and deaths of 368. Big cattles such as cow, horse and buffalo have been known as cattle barrier for malaria, while others have not been investigated yet. The objective of this research was to know the dominant factor related to cattle which influenced malaria in…