This study was aimed to determine whether the degree of E. coli infection can lead todigestive problems and severity according to the degree of infection. Tests were carried out in vivo in murine, experimental animals to see the severity of the intestinal mucosa by the degree of infection. The study was conducted with only post test design with the negative control group design. At the first…
ABSTRACT Hemorrhagic stroke is a disease that frequently found, including in Indonesia. The best asset of imaging modalities is CT Scan multi slice (MSCT Scan), with this device that helps maintain the diagnosis of brain and determine the bleeding. Bleed the measurement accuracy is necessary to determine the proper medical exam. Bleeding can see brain volumes to measurement by the computer s…
Alergi dan infeksi cacing masih merupakan permasalahan di negara berkembang dan keduanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan yang kurang baik. Kondisi lingkungan, polusi, sanitasi, makanan, dan penyakit infeksi termasuk parasit menjadi faktor utama pencetus alergi. Anak-anak menjadi subyek yang seringkali menderita atopi atau alergi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan …
Background. Many studies have shown that exclusive breastfeesing can maintain the survival of infants health. Therefore WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months. But the reality on the ground, only a small proportion of mothers exclusively breastfeeding. Objection; study the factors that affect the practice of exclusive breastfeeding to six months. Method; this research is desc…
Background: Performance of health care is one important factor in health care quality improvement efforts of the population. Health services is a factor directly related to the incidence of infectious diseases (morbidity). Causes of malnutrition caused by direct addition of food consumption is also unbalanced because of the influence infectious diseases (morbidity). Objectives: Studying the uti…
Parasitic diseases are a common problem on communities in the tropics and subtropics, but parasitic infections could also affect people in developed countries. Recently there are a lot of approaches to control parasites, from the simplest applicatlon of traditional medicinal plants to some complex molecular genetics applications such as DNA sequencing and genetic engineering. Despite their posi…
TI-weighted image sequences Spin Echo is the standard used on Knee MRI examination to determine the anatomy of the Knee. Differences inspection position can produce a difference image. The purpose of this research is to know the difference between the position information gererated Eksorotasi True AP and 15⁰, The design of research is experimental method. Data retrieved from Knee MRI examinat…