Abstract Objective: To know the relationship of calcium serum levels with the incidence of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Methods: Study subject that fulfil inclusion criteria were asked to fill questionnaires and venous blood sample was taken to measure cal¬cium serum levels. The data is processed and analyzed statistically. Result: The study was conducted on 45 women aged 20-35 years old.…
Abstract Objective: To acknowledge the rate of expulsion in post placental IUD CuT-380A insertion after vaginal delivery. Method: Postplacental IUD Cu T-380A insertion was performed at least 10 minutes after the placenta has been delivered by inserting IUD Cu T-380A in uterine cavity using index finger, and positioned the IUD in uterine cavity and pushed as high as possible directly to the …
The aim of this research is to know the influence of Na CMC concentration to physical characteristic and antibacterial activity of gel gambier leaf extract against Staphylococcus auereus. Three formulas of gel were made by various Na CMC concentration (4%, 5%, and 6%). Produced gels were tested physical characteristic (organoleptic, pH test, viscosity, homogenity, spread ability, adhesive abili…
Aspirin is a medicine substance that can made by direct compression, because the characteristic is not good for warmth and ahve a good for warmth and have a good fluidity. This resarch aimed to know the indluence of used filler- binders Spray Dried Lactose and Avicel PH 102 for physical characteristic of Aspirin tablet and combination of both can result the tablet’s optimum physical character…
One of the most important component of the health system in Indonesia is community empowerment, especially posyandu, which depends on their cadres and the community. It was hypothetically assumed that motivation will increase the participation for both cadres and community in the posyandu. The study aims were toanalyze the effect of motivation and also determine which motivation factors that ha…
Perdarahan post partum masih merupakan penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas persalinan. Angka kejadiannya sekitar 5 % dari persalinan normal. Perdarahan post partum dapat dibagi atas perdarahan post partum dini jika terjadi sebelum 24 jam pasea persalinan ; terutama disebabkan karena laserasi vagina, atonia uterus, retensio plasenta, dan koagulopati. Dan perdarahan post partum lambat jika t…
Koping … Decision of eery household to minimize the effect of fod insecurity depend on its capacity to give appropriate respnse Poor coping strategy create adverse effect to the households. To learn how por households apply a coping strategy and their related factors when they met insecure situation. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three vilages in Cirebon District, each represe…