ABSTRACT Background: in the Decree of the Minister of Health on the National Immunisation Movement Acceleration Universal Child Immunization 2010-2014 (GAIN UCI 2010-2014) stated that the general problems of decline in immunization coverage and quality of service were caused by several things, one of which is the tack of quantity, quality and distribution of human resources. Methods: A cross-s…
ABSTRACT Background: Immunization is an effective primary prevention against infectious diseases on children. The purpose of this study was to determine the related factors to the completeness of basic immunization on children and vaccine management at primary health care and posyandu in X Subdistric, Depok City. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design 99with a sample of 14…
Lack of information or inappopriate of information on medicine and traditional medicine caused unsuitable utilization of them. The objective of this study was analyzing the regulation of the medicine and traditional medicines information announcement and the implementation of the relevant institutions as well even in the central, provincial and district level. Cross sectional study with qualita…
Background: Act Number 36 of 2009 on Health states that the government has the responsibility to regulate the planning, procurement, empowerment, and control/ing of the quality of health workers in performing health care in lndonesia. Meanwhile the Government Regulation Number 51 of 2009 requires that the practice of pharmacy must be done by pharmacist and one of the health facilities conduetin…
Background: A study to analyze data of Basic Health Research 2010 (Riskesdas 2010) was done to describe the profile of household using self-made herbal medicines and to identify the characteristics of household members that related to use of self-made herbal medicines. Methods: The sampel was individuals aged fifteen years old or more and who use self-made herbal medicine i.e. 177,927 people fr…
Background: Advertising control of medicine and traditional medicine was based on the Decree of the Minister of Healthof Indonesia Number 386/Menkes/SK/IV/ 1994 about advertising guidelines medicine, traditional medicine, cosmetics, medical devices and foods. The purpose of the study are (1) to identify regulations related to the advertising of medicine and traditional medicine, (2) to identify…