ABSTRACT Foreign body in respiratory tract such as in tracheobronchial tree is an emergency requiring prompt treatment to maintain respiratory function. Organic foreign bodies in trachea can be grains, peanut, corn, rice and meat, while the inorganic ones are coin, bone, dental prosthesis, needle, pin and nail. Early diagnosis, immediate and appropriate management will, determine the prognos…
Abses otak otogenik memerlukan penegakan diagnosis dini, penatalaksanaan cepat serta tepat dan mempunyai angka kematian tinggi. Memerlukan karekteristik abses otak otogenik. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif terhadap 14 kasus penderita terdiagnosis abses otak otogenik dan memiliki Head CT scan.Pasien laki-laki 71.4%,42.8% berusia 20-29 tahun. Keluhan utama nyeri kepala dan vomitus-pireksia 10…
Acute diffuse otitis externa (ADOE) is one the common diseases in ENT Department, Dr. Sardjito Hospital, with the frequency of 9-12%. The most common microorganism found is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infection usually occurs after taking a bath, washing hair, and scratching the external ear canal. Treatment of acute diffuse otitis externa which consists to topical preparations, i.e. antibiotics a…