East Nusa Tenggara is the province with the highest prevalence of clinical malaria in Indonesia. The highest malaria endemic districk in East Nusa Tenggara Province is East Sumba. The purpose of the research is to describe the correlation of Anopheles spp. density with rainfall index and vector status of malaria in East Sumba Regency. This research is a survey with cross sectional design, Data …
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ABSTRACT Background: West Manggarai district in period January until July 2012. Infant mortality rate were 34 cases, stillbirths were 33 cases and maternal mortality rate was 9 cases. Methods: This research is qualitative study using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) desain, cooperation with head of public health center, midwife, nutrition program manager, and public health at health department. …
Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan daerah dengan kasus malaria cukup tinggi dimana tahun 2007 Annual Malaria Insidence (AMI) sebesar 204,7‰ dan 2008 310,8‰. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengiventarisir jenis dan cakupan program pengendalian vektor malaria. Pengendalian dilakukan terhadap nyamuk dewasa dan nyamuk pradewasa di 11 Kabupaten di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara. Penelitian ini merupaka…
Some aspects of Anopheles barbirostris behavior in Central Sumba Regency was conducted in July– October in District Umbu Ratu Nggai (Village Padira Tana) which represents in mountain ecology and the district of Mamboro (Manu Wollu Village) representing the coastal ecology. Both villages are selected to have high malaria cases during the past year. The objective of the study is to determine So…
Filariasis merupakan penyakit menular menahun yang disebabkan oleh cacing filaria dan masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesis khususnya di daerah yang masih tertinggal. Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan daerah dengan kasus klinis cukup tinggi. Tahun 2007 jumlah kasus klinis filariasis di kabupaten Sumba Tengah sebanyak 360 kasus. Tujuan survei ini adalah untu…
Anthrax is a disease Zoonotic diseases caused by Baccilus anthrakcis. In 2007, there Extraordinary incident (KLB) anthrax in District Kodi West Sumba, with 18 people the number of cases and 5 fatalities. This study sursey research in areas that have experienced anthrax incident. Population and sample are heads of households and the environment in the region anthrax incident. The data collected …