Monascus-fermented product has been used traditionally in Asian countries as food and medicine. Traditionally, Monascus-fermented rice was produced with cultivate Monascus sp. on steamed rice medium. During fermentation, Monascus sp. produce various metabolites. Beside pigments, Monascus sp. also produces monacolin K, monascin, dimerumic acid, etc which possess positive health impacts. Recent s…
This research is analytic study, with a cross-sectional design, which aims to analyze the relationship with occurrence of chronic energy deficiency anemia in pregnant women in Surabaya Istiqomah BPS. As a research population of all pregnant women in the BPS Istiqomah checkups Surabaya in April-May, with a target population of 232 people . Samples were taken with a probability sampling technique…
Objective : This study aims to assess the effect of the addition of pro-biotic supplement to the standard therapy on the recovery of Bacte¬rial vaginosis infection. Methods: The research was conducted by taking samples from Ob¬stetrics and Gynecology Department in several teaching hospitals of Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University. This study was an ex¬perimental study. Consecutive s…
Luka tekan adalah injury terlokalisir pada jaringan diatas tulang yang menonjol akibat tekanan terus menerus dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Luka tekan meningkatkan mortalitas dan lama hari perawatan dibeberapa negara. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) adalah minyak kelapa murni yang diperoleh dengan proses tanpa pemanasan sehingga kandungan zat-zat baik didalamnya dapat dipertahankan. Desain Penelitian k…
ABSTRAK Drugs abuse is a complex problemfacing family and society. Drug abuse cases have long long been recognized. in Indoneisia the cases started to gain public attention in 1969. Today, the similiar cases are increasing in number. There have been more number cases and type of drugs abused (multiple drugs). The Risk factors for drug abuse vary among individuals and involve several factors na…
Abstrak Pendahuluan: Status gizi ibu pada kehamilan akan menentukan kesehatan ibu dan bayi sampai setelah kelahiran. Namun, masalah gizi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia masih banyak dijumpai. Maka, calon dokter umum sebaiknya dibekali dengan pen getahuan dan keterampilan konseling gizi untuk ibu hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu modul terintegrasi men genai gizi pada keham…
ABSTRACT Monitoring and detecting of growth and development are part of the duties of health cadre in their working areas. Therefore, it is expected the understanding and skills of each cadre in growth stimulation techniques for toddlers in Working Area of Jatinegara Public Health Centre. Training is one way to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes of cadres. Therefore, researchers wanted to…