Background and Objective: Intraventricular and intracerebral haemorrhage is an acute condition that can occurs spontaneously due to hypertension or rupture of aneurism, and also can be occurs as a result from brain damage caused by trauma. Management in this acute condition can be done by either giving particular drugs or through surgical procedures. The aim of surgical procedure is to reduce a…
Urticaria is a circumscribed, erythermatous or white, usually pruritic plaque that changes in size and shape by peripheral extension oe regression during the few hours or days that the individual lesion exist. Hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), resulting in urticaria qnd angioedema, is being observed with increasing frequency. Prevalence rates range from 0.1-0.3%…
Meningiomas are brain tumors that are very likely to bleed from the meninges and spinal cord tissue, brain tissue does not grow out of Meningiomas usually grow into that causes pressure on the brain and spinal cord, but also grew out towards the skull, resulting in thickening of the skull. Meningioma not always require immediate treatment. Signs and symptoms of meningioma is usually gradual but…
Background and Objective : The tissue has a difJerent requirement for glucose. The brain has the greatest need for glucose. The brain is very susceptible to ischemia suggests that the brain has a high metabolic rate. Mechanism of ischemic injury is the biochemical changes and physiological changes that occur due to circulatory disturbances. Such changes as: (1) The loss of high energy phosphate…
Political changes in health policy, pertaining to the regional autonomy in lndonesia, have caused changes in the structural and funetional components in the health field at Provincial and District level. The role of District Health Office becomes very essential in manage the health program and resources, including health human resources. Since the variability of resources between inter-regional…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalh di ketahuinya pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap pendarahan ibu postpartum di Rumah Sakit Syarifah Ambani Rato Ebu Bangkalan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain non reactive di mana data yang di pakai adalah data sekunder dari Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit, sedangkan data premier di perolehb dengan melakukan kunjungan ke rumah sakit pasien. …
Cerumen obturans is a pahtological condition with no harmfull to the patients but can caused ear tumbness sensation, earache, hearing impairment, deafness and decreasing the quality of life.The objections of the study are to compare the effectivity of six solvents, that are aquadest, NaCl 0,9%, coconut oil, olive oil, carboglycerin 10% and sodium docusate 0,5% againts cerumen obturans by means …
Ac Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of major health problems in Indonesia because of its high number of incidence. Under five children are the most vulnerable age groups to ARI. It is estimated that children in average will experience 3-6 events of ARI every year. Unhealthy housing conditions such as unadequate temperature and humidity of bedrooms may affect ARI incidence. The purpose o…