Riset Kesehatan Dasar telah dilakukan di Indonesia (RISKESDAS 2007). Riset telah mengumpulkan data-data yang terdiri dari data kesehatan yang menggambarkan status gizi anak di bawah lima (antrophometri data) di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kenyataanya masih sedikit analisis dengan menggunakan metode GIS, oleh karena itu artikel ini akan dikaji dengan metode spasial. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat me…
Household consumption is one of factors that play impotant role in creating a healthy family. Balanced diet be it in amount or variation is highly needed because there is no food that consist of-nor do they have entugh amount-every nutrition that are needed by body. To get used to consume foods that contain balanced diet is one of the ways to overcome double nutrition problems, be it malnutriti…
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease transmitted by Leptospira bacteria by rats as the main reservoir. Cases of leptospirosis occurred in several districts in Sleman. One of them is Berbah Sub-district with one case of leptospirosis in 2011. The purpose of this study to identify the biotic and abiotic environmental conditions, species of rodents captured in the study site, trap success, and Lept…