The research’s purpose is to know the influence of stimulation to child’s development after DDITKA Massal in Blitar city. The research type was quasy experiment, and the sample was children that have hesitate and delay developmentts, with inclution criteria: has normal growth, visit to posyandu regullarly in the latest. The independent variable is stimulation of development, and the dpenden…
Antibiotic substance contained in honey is active against the attack of pathogens that cause disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of honey consumption on perineal wound healing time in onnecticut rips Ny. Ena Mualifah. The method carried out by observational and interview. Subjects in this research is occurring post partum perineal tear grade 2. Samples in this study a…
Pervalensi anemia Ibu hamil di Kecamatan Rajabasa Bandar Lampung 52% (survey tahun 2004). Hasil pemeriksaan (3 Taun) cukup tinggi: 66.2% (2006). Pemberian suplemen Besi (Fe) Ibu hamil sangat dianjurkan selama waktu tertentu. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh informasi tentang keefektifan pemberian suplemen besi dan multivitamin D pada ibu hamil di Kecamatan Rajabasa Kota Bandar lampung Tahun 2007…
Perilaku kekerasan pada pasien gangguan jiwa yang tidak ditangani secra efektif dapat berakibat fatal bagi klien maupun orang lain disekitarnya. Intervensi keperawatan yang tepat sangat efektif mencegah dan mengurangi dampak perilaku kekerasan yang ditimbulkan oleh pasien. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan assertive training. Assertive training merupakan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegaha…
With the many benefits that can be obtained from the habit baby massage performed by the mother. It is necasary once baby massage is used as a habit. But the attitude has been influenced by knowledge of mother. It is necessary once baby massage is used as habit. But this attitude has been influenced by knowledge of mothers on infant massage itself. Until mow not known how the mother’s level o…
Trash needs to be handled correctly and sorted at the source. The bahaviours should be started from an early age, and the most appropriate age is elementary school age. However, it is difficult to implement the habit, because it has not been sociaalized. The purposes of the study are to investiagte the behavior of student in taking out the garbage before and after giving socialization, and to …
Clinical trials have demostrated that zinc suplement during diarrhea Study that evaluated diet entriched with zinc and probiotic showed significant reduction on the duration of diarrhea. Whether this combination s beter than either supllement of zinc or probiotic alone is unknown. The objective of the study was to compare the duration of diarrhea among children with acute watery diarrhea given …