Indonesia is at third rank as country having a large number of people with pulmonary-tuberculosis disease after India and China. Low nutritional status, unhealthy lifestyle, poor living condition, and low consumption of natural sources of antioxidant (fruits, vegetables and herbs) can decrease immunity sistem and increase the risk of pulmonary-tuberculosis (pulmonary-TB) infection. The study ai…
Comparison of Power KiII Abate With Ginger Rhizome Extract (Curcuma Xantorrhlza Roxb) ln Killing Aedes aegypti Larval instars 111. Dengue is endemie arbovirus diseases which currently have infected more than 100 countries, both located in the tropics and subtropics, WHO estimates that about 50-100 million cases of dengue infection occur each year, resulting in 250,000 to 500,000 cases of dengue…
The Risk Factors Associated With Malaria Incidence In Housewife. Malaria is an infectious and deadly disease that is dominant in the tropics and sub-tropics. In Indonesia today malaria is still a problem, averaging an estimated 15 mill ion cases of clinical cases per year. In Lampung province in 2007 AMI (Anual Malaria Incidence) 7.50 per 1000 population, the District Pesawaran AMI at 13.92% pe…
Pesticides KiII Power Vegetable Serai Wangi ICymbopogon nardus L) and betelleaf (Piper betle linn) against Aedes Flick. DHF is one of the spread of infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti containing dengue virus. The use of chemical pesticides can have negative impacts such as environmental pollution, therefore it is necessary to use an alternative pesticide plant. Plant cit…
The respiratory complaint in community of Porong region is the most public complaint since the occurrence of Lapindo mud disaster in Porong region. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of air pollution on lung physiology disorder in community around Siring and Mindi village in Porong region. This is an observational study deSign with analytical descriptive study using cross sectio…
Eradication effort of tuberanosts disease in Indonesia has been carried out by implementing the strategy of Directly Observed Treatment Short-Coarse (DOTS) free of charge. However; its prevention and eradication are still unsatisfactory. Vitamin D expected to be able to enhance intracellular immune response. However, the mechanism is still unclear. An experimental research using randomized post…
Patients, visitors, and workers at BP4 Kotagede are at risk of contracting respiratory and lung diseases. Based on the preliminary survey it was revealed that wall microbe number in nursing exceeded the maximum permitted by the regulation, and so that need to be controlled. Disinfection is one of the methods. The study was aimed to determine the difference in the reduction of microbe numbers be…
Background: Cispiatin can cause suppress of hemopoetic system because of ROS in head and neck cancer patients. Combination of high dose vitamin C and E as outside antioxidant was required to neutralize ROS. The objective of the study was to prove that combination of high dose vitamin C and E could improve the suppression of hemopoetic system induced by cispiatin in head and neck cancer patients…