Oncomelania hupensis lindoensissnail and its habitat has an important role in the transmission of schistosomiasis in Central Sulawesi, particularly in three isolated areas, Lindu valley, Napu valley and Bada valley. In a part of Schistosomiasis life cycle, inside the snail, Schistosoma japonicummiracidia will undergo a series of stages as sporocyst and cercaria. People are infected by cercaria,…
Menopause is a natural phase experienced by every woman, a reproduction process characterized by the end of the fertile period of a woman because the ovaries are no longer produce estrogen and progesterone, and may cause menopausal complaints which are referred to as menopausal syndrome. Problems or changes experienced by menopause women may lead to a crisis that will affect the quality of life…
Filariasis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan infeksi cacing filaria yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk, dapat menimbulkan cacat menetap berupa pembesaran kaki, lengan dan alat kelamin sehingga memberikan dampak sosial budaya, mental serta ekonomi. Di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu ditemukan filaria jenis Brugia malayi dengan microfilaria rate sebesar 2,4%. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan penularan fila…
Pada tahun 2012, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu merupakan daerah pertambangan yang menjadi kawasan endemis malaria. Pekerja tambang dituntut bekerja 24 jam di areal hutan dan istirahat di tenda/camp terbuka, sehingga risiko untuk terkena malaria sangat besar. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku (PSP) penambang batubara ilegal guna mendapatkan gambaran awal pema…
Hyperthyroidism may cause clinical symptoms and physiological changes in thyroid function, and interference in cognitive function, behavioral problems, and a change of feeling (mood) and anxiety. Anxiety is negative emotions, which is characterized by feeling worried and fear that is sometimes experienced in different levels. One method to overcome anxiety is by counseling. Counseling is a proc…
Jumlah penderita HIV di Indonesia hingga Juni 2012 mencapai 86.762 orang dan untuk penderita AIDS 32.103 orang. Secara nasional, provinsi Jawa Barat termasuk salah satu dari 5 provinsi dengan kasus HIV-AIDS tertinggi di Indonesia. Mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan ODHA dalam mengkonsumsi obat ARV dan faktor-faktor yang mendukung ODHA dalam hal minum obat ARV. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode…
The result of Basic Health Research in 2007 shown that lung tuberculosis cases spread out all over Indonesia. Meanwhile, the 2010 Basic Health Research shown the prevalence of lung TB was 725 per 100,000 populations. Side effects are among the causes of therapy drop out thus resulted in bacterial resistance which further caused the severity of TB. This research aimed to explore the informat…
ABSTRACT. Blood pressure is the pressure on the artery. Walls when the heart is pumping blood. Increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure were settled called hypertension. This study examines the consumption of fat, protein, and blood pressure in patients visitants Sal Bugar Care Clinic. The type of observational and cross - sectional design. Data were collection by means of in…
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) presents a serious health problem in Indonesia. Dengue viruses are transmitted to human through the biting of infected mosquitoes, especially Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus. The occurrence of variation and climate change will Affect the growth areas of mosquitoes. This situation can influence on the emergence of dengue fever cases. In this paper will discuss the…