Skin diseases were the priority among health problems of Giri Moslem Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren Putri) X of Yogyakarta. To solve the problems, supported by the potentiality of the existence of eight santries (students) health cadres, a pre-test post-test with control designed experiment was conducted to understand the influence of health elucidation carried out by the students health cad…
Background: The visual examination of bone radiographs using digital computed radiography (CR) is an examination for the diagnosis of bone-metastatic cancer. The subjectivity of interpretation of bone radiographs mcry lead to doctor's doubt in making decision to treatment patients with bone-metastatic cancer. Software Matlab-based computer application program makes a standard method to organize…
Beberapa tahun terakhir banyak penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat penggunaan probiotik untuk pencegahan maupun untuk pengobatan. Salah satu penggunaan probiotik adalah dalam pengobatan diare. Penggunaan probiotik tersebut berdasarkan respon imun yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh probiotik baik di dalam mukosa usus maupun di sel-sel mononukklear . Penelitian ini bertujuan …
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya rasio prevelensi dan mengidentifikasi persamaan model garis rekresi beberapa predikator terhadap berat bayi lahir. Penelitian merupakan penelitian Analitik observasional dengan desin cross sectional. Sebagai variable bebas adalah umur ibu, umur kehamilan, umur LILA, kenaikan BB selama hamil, kadar hemoglobin trimester III, frekuensi ANC dengan BBL sebag…
Activities at Timbul Roso Restaurant generate not only useful product but also causing negative impacts such as liquid waste which is potential to harm people’s health and pollute the environment if it is not adequately processed. The preliminary survey results on the liquid waste revealed that the BOD and TSS concentration were 538 mg/l and 470.50 mg/l respectively, or had not yet fulfi…
Dakriosistitis ia on infection of lacrimal system due to blockage of Hasfer valve by a membrane commonly found in infant. The management of docryocistitis includes nasolacrimal massage and topical broad spectrum antibiotics since chloramfenicol and pentamich are widely used in regional hospital primary health care in Indonesia, the effectiveness of the two antibiotics require on assess ment. Th…
Yogyakarta Province is a disaster-prone province, especially the mountaintrim. Disaster preparedness is essential to minimize the disaster victims soformed the community program on disaster preparedness through DesaSiaga of Mount Merapi alert. To determine the activity and how the implementationof community disaster preparedness programs Mount Merapi onthe implementation of Desa Siaga in the Um…
State using national health insurance system as a state system andgovernment to give social protection so that each people can fullfil humanbasic needs. Health social insurance to give protect ensurement healthsocial welfare so that each people can fullfil life need for social welfareIndonesian people. To identify the problems, obstacle, and challenge withcost system and scheme of institution L…