Of 2,073 respondents from MONICA-Jakarta (1988) baseline survey in South Jakarta, there were 74 (3.6 percent) respondents with left ventricular hypertrophy. Left ventricular hypertrophy was identified by electrocardiogram recording of 12 leads, fulfilling Minnesote Code (1982) : 3-1, 3-3 and 3-4. Population of left ventricular hypertrophy mainly consist of 52 (70.3 percent) male, 56 (75.7 perce…
Of 2,073 respondents from the MONICA - Jakarta (1988) stydy in South Jakarta, there were 57 cases of old myocardial infraction. The correlation between old myocardial infraction and the main risk factor as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking analized from a case - control study design are as follows : 1). The main risk factor predisposing to a myocardial infarction which need attenti…