Some Anopheles species were found in Buayan village. There were An. aconitus, An. annularis, An. barbirostris, An. kochi, An. sundaicus, An. subpictus, An. tesselatus and An. vagus. The result of ovaries surgery in Buayan village showed that An. aconitus, and An. vagus were suspiciously to be malaria vector. Furthermore, An. aconitus, An. barbiros¬tris, An. kochi, An. sundaicus, An. subpictus,…
Environment is an important media for the life of all creatures in this world. It always changes accordingly based onto the nature change and human act. Its control mosquito has been done for the purpose of reducing the transmission 's source, by establishing Panama Canalon 1904-1907, Polentine Marsh Project in Italyon 1930, Water Irrigation program for Tennese Valley Authority (TVA) in…
K-OTHRINE 20 EW® insecticides were tested in 100 and 200 ml/ha with the application of fumigation using pure water as solvent and mixture of water and glycol. It was equally effective to kill Ae. aegypti mosquitoes indoor and outdoor with the mortality of 100%. Similarly, the insecticide effectively provides mortality of 90.0 – 94.8% to the Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, indoor and outdoor…
A TRIAL OF Laden 5000 EC (dosage of 250,500,750 and 1000 ml/ha) was carried out using thermal fogging against DHF vector Aedes aegypti and filariasis vector Culex quinquefasciatus. Fogging was conducted in the morning arround human habitation of Salatiga Manicipility in 2007. Air bioassay lest ahowed that laden 5000 EC dosage 750 and 1000 ml/ha were effective to control Ae. Aegypti and Cx. Quin…
Mosquito is one of househol insect which could sparays some. Many species of mosquitoes but only 22 species which reported as a vector, such as Aedes aegypti. An. Aconitus, An maculatus. An balabacensis, An barbirostris, An sundaicus, Mansonia uniformis. Mansonis dives, Culex quinguefasciatus. Eventhough we have many ways to control mosquitoes but there is still a problem in our country. To so…
The An. Sundaicus mosquito nurturing behavior is located in sea, marsh and plaun water. The An. Sundaicus (Radenwaldt) mosquito location spreads all over India, Bangladesh, Burma, Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Whether in Indonesia it covers throughout Riau, Lmpung, West Java, Central java, Jogjakarta, east Java, Nusa Tenggara Timur and South Sulawesi, Resting places wh…
Penyakit yang ditularkan oleh serangga seperti demam berdarah Dengue, Filaria, Cikunguya dan sering terjadi letusan di Masyarakat, hal ini perlu dicari cara yang tepat untuk pengendalian vektornya. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi/daya bunuh insektisida SUMITHRIN 100 ME (d--phenothrin 100 g/I) aplikasi chermal fogging (pengasapan) dengan perlarut air, terhadap nyamuk Ae…