kayu manis atau cinnamomum burmannii merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang biasa digunakan sebgai penyedap masakan tetapi dapt juga digunakan sebagai obat tradisional, salah satunya digunakan sebagai obat antijamur. pemanfaatan kayu manis sebagai obat antijamur mengingat masih besarnya angka infeksi jamur di indonesia khusunya infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur candida albicans yang dari data yaya…
The research is an analytical study with cross sectional design. The main objective is known the dominant factors that influence the satisfaction of customer. Population of the study was inpatient clients in RSU Haji Surabaya, in medicine, surgery and matemity wards. The sample was 125 clients whose selected by cluster random sampling. Data be analyzed by logistic regression. The results of res…
Optimum physical development of babies requires adequate nutritional input. A mean has to be pursuit so that babies increase their breast feeding frequency, such as by performing baby exercises senam bayi). The experiment was aimed at learning the impact of baby exercise on Improvement of body weight among 4-6 month old babies at Krembangan Masigit in Kelurahan Kemajoran Surabaya. The study was…