Pengolahan linbah cair tapioka dengan system Kobinasi Biofilter Anaerob – Aerob aliran ke atas merupakanpengolahan biologis dengan biakan melekat (attached growth process), sebagai salah satu tejnlogi alternative dalam pengoahan limbah cair. Tujuan penelitian adalah diperolehnya suatu unit pengolah limbah cair tapioka dengan teknologi yang sderhana dan mudah dalam pembuatan, operasional maupu…
Persentase anak balita gizi buruk di Indonesia pada tahun 2007 sebesar 5,4%. Gizi buruk dapat menyebabkan terganggunya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental dan jaringan otak. Selain itu, mudah terkena penyakit dan berakhir dengan kematian. Strategi penanggulangan adalah memperhatikan prioritas, kemudian perawatan baik secara rawat jalan dan rawat inap bila anak balita sudah menderita gizi…
Blood circulation system diseases, including heart disease heart disease, have been increasing and become the first rank as main cause of death in Indonesia in 2000. Nationwide epidemiological data on it are still lacking.To asses the prevalence and determinants of heart disease in Indonesia. Baseline Health Research (Riskesdas) was a cross sectional study conducted in 440 regencies of 33 provi…
To estimate the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus (DM) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in 15 year old and over in urban Indonesia and their association with risk factors such as age, smoking physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension. A national sample involving 24, 417 participants living in urban Indonesia aged > 15 years were examine for 2 hours of plasma glucose…
One of the factors that determine the success effficien wound healing is wound healing is wound healing rate, that can be achieved by increasing cell proliferation, angiogenesis or neovascularisation, and extracellular production . Dermal fibroblast is cell that plays an important role in wound healing. Fibroblast proliferation and neovascularisation are critical elements in granular tissue for…
UVB radiation may act as immunosuppressive agent through angerhans cels (LCS) depletion correlated with cyclobuthane pyrimidine dimer (CPD), as the most mutagenic photoproducts. Other studies showed that olive oil can prevent various human cancers which are defect of immune-surveillance. The effect of olive in the UVB-induced LCs depletion is still unclear. To discover the topical effect of ext…
Wrinkles is caused by a decreased by a decrease in collagen synthesis an incease in collagen degradation. Collagen synthesis depends on fibroblast proliferation. Collagen synthesis needs glucose, so that collagen synthesis may be expressed by the increase in glucose uptake. Skin rejuvenation with heating may increase the collagen synthesis. The effect of short-term heating and optimal temperatu…
Both depression and diabetes mellitus have been related to a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many markers of inflammation, one of them is high sensitivity-C reactive protein in the diabetic patient…
Fetus in fetu is a from of monozygotic diamniotic twin pregnancy where the parasitic twin installs and grows in the body of its partner. It is a rare condition, with a reported incidence of 1 in 500.000 live births. The majority of these cases occur in children younger than 18 months with the chief complaint of an intraabdominal mass,and have a 2:1 male predominance. The size and weight of the …
To investigate which recent infection could have caused the present dengue-like symptoms, in adult patients clinically fulfilling the WHO criteria for dengue, in which serologically were not confirmed for dengue virus infections. Prospective study. During an outbreak of dengue (between May) 1995 and May 1996) 118 consecutive adults (>13 years) suspected by the WHO 1997 case definition of DF or …