Abstrak. Mycobaterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis) telah menginfeksi sepertiga penduduk dunia. Salah satu manifestasi klinis yang terinfeksi M.tuberculosis adalah pembesaran kelenjar getah bening pada regio colli, axilla, inguinal, abdominal yang sering di sebut tuberkulosis kelenjar. Tuberkulosis kelenjar masih sering menimbulkan permasalahan balk dari segi diagnostik, pengobatan dan pemanta…
Growth failure (stunting) in children under five causes a variety of development disorders, including cognitive and motor development. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between nutritional status, cognitive development, and motor development in preschool children. This survey was conducted on 73 children aged 3-5 years in Bogor regency, West Java. This study showed…
Background: Asthma is a chronic airway disease that causes difficulty in breathing in which bronchospasm is a hallmark in acute exacerbation. In management of asthma attack, agonist β2 is the best option as treatment for mild, moderate and severe asthma. Agonist β2 nebulization as bronchodilator has been used wide/y nowadays. Lack of clinical study have been done to compare the pharmacologica…
Background: Obstructive sleep apnea has been known as one of risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim ofthis study is to examine the relation of oxygen desaturation index (ODI) due to OSA and CAD. Methods: This study included 74 OSA men who were diagnosis of CAD by previous medical examination using treadmill and CT angiography and cardiac catheterization. Polysomnography was pe…
Introduction: Coronary calcification is a subclinical condition that may cause coronary artery disease (CAD). The main issue of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the intermitten hypoxemia which is an important stimulus to increase morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular disease. In this study we investigate the male OSA patients with abnormal calcium score (Ca score) to predict CAD. Methods:…
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is an important opportunistic infection in HIV-intracted patients and other immune system disorders. Diagnosis of PCP remains a challenge because the clinical symptoms, reutine laboratory and rediological examinations are not typical. The proven diagnosis must be performed by finding P. Jiroved in histopathologic preparations with conventional or immunocytochemical …
Regular visit to doctor for asthma controling manegement is an important process to observe the development of athma therapy and symptomps improvement in every patient. Regular visit maneged every 1-6 monthhs based on asthma severity. For those who were not capable of conducting regular vsit to asthama clinic in Persahabatan Hospital, we need to identify their reason, recent condition, therapy,…