Perdarahan post partum masih merupakan penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas persalinan. Angka kejadiannya sekitar 5 % dari persalinan normal. Perdarahan post partum dapat dibagi atas perdarahan post partum dini jika terjadi sebelum 24 jam pasea persalinan ; terutama disebabkan karena laserasi vagina, atonia uterus, retensio plasenta, dan koagulopati. Dan perdarahan post partum lambat jika t…
Both depression and diabetes mellitus have been related to a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many markers of inflammation, one of them is high sensitivity-C reactive protein in the diabetic patient…
The individual parameters to define asthma seventy and asthma control overlap significantly. Validated measures, such as ACT, ACS, ACO, for assessing asthma control are now available, but no comparison among the existing measures has been performed. This study aimed to assess the corrrelation between ACT and ACS either before of after inhaled corticossteroid (ICS). This was a cohort study. Samp…
Captropril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) used for the treatment of hypertension and some types of congestive heart failure. It has been reported that the duration of antihypertensive action after a single oral dose of captropril in only 6-8 h. Captropil is most stable at acidic condition and as the pH increases, it becomes unstable and undergoes a degradation rea…
Penyakit malara merupakan salah satu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasit dan penyakit inimerupakan masalah utama di dunia. Penyebaran penyakit malaria di Indonesia sangat merata dan beberapa tempat di Indonesia merupakan daerah endemis malaria. Sebesar 35% pendduk Indonesia tinggal di daerah endemis malaria. Di Kabupaten Bara tidak semua daerah Kecamatan yang ada terkena malaria tetapi ada be…