Bacillus thuringiensis serotype H-14 local strain is pathogenic bacteria which specific target to mosquito larvae. It is safe for mammals and enviroment. The aims of this study was to determine the effectivity of B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain which culturing in thecoconut wates against Anopheles sp and Culex sp mosquito larvae. This research is quasi experiment which consist of treated a…
Bacillus thuringiensis serotipe H-10 telah diketahui dapat mengendalikan jentik nyamuk (Diptera) berdasaarkan tipe kristal protein toksin yang dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan efikasi 2 isolat (isolat KT dan isolat PS) B. thuringiensis serotipe H-10 galur lokal terhadap jentik nyamuk Aedes aegpti dan Anopheles aconitus. Untuk memperoleh B. thuringiensis H-10 dilakukan dengan cara…
A study was conducted in the Vector Control Research Station laboratory in Salatiga and in ponds belongs to inhabitants of Sukutukan village. Wulanggitang Sub District,
Rearing of Ma. uniformis has been carried out for the purposes of experimental research on filarial disease. Many constrains were encountered in the effort to find an appropriate method of rearing for the high yield of the mosquitoes in the laboratory. Further studies to improve the method of rearing be developed.
A study to evaluate the potency of bacteriae from soil sample as biological Vector Control Research Station at Salatiga. Protein crystals were detected by Chilcott Wigley's method (1988). Samples of soil from 5 different locations in Kotamadya Salatiga, were evaluated. Total of 6 samples collected from 2 habitats (hole and branch of Euphoria longan), 1 samples from Butuh, 2 samples from Conde…