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East Java Province is an area endemic diphtheria from 2000 to-2012., Every year is always an increase in cases (KLB), despite a high rate of immunization coverage. Common cases in both children who have been immunized or not immunized with mortality rate is quite high. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of management personnel in managing vaccine vaccines in th…
ABSTRACT Background: The common complaint in almost half & nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients was a lump in the neck. Neurological symptoms occcured less frequently, whereas blindness occurred ir only less than one percent of cases. Case report: A 26 year-old male complained about headache. nasal voice, and blindness in right eye since a month ago. Examination found mass in the right na…
Abstrak. Mycobaterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis) telah menginfeksi sepertiga penduduk dunia. Salah satu manifestasi klinis yang terinfeksi M.tuberculosis adalah pembesaran kelenjar getah bening pada regio colli, axilla, inguinal, abdominal yang sering di sebut tuberkulosis kelenjar. Tuberkulosis kelenjar masih sering menimbulkan permasalahan balk dari segi diagnostik, pengobatan dan pemanta…