Buku Metadata ini berisi data hasil penelitian Puslitbang, Balai Besar dan Loka di bawah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Badan Litbangkes), yang dikelompokkan dalam 5 kelompok tema sesuai dengan isi data yang terdapat dalam penelitian tupoksi dan penelitian yang inovatif pada bidang kesehatan. Data terbagi dalam tema penyakit menular, penyakit tidak menular, penelitian gizi, peneli…
2 buku dan 2 naskah publikasi
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the world is expected to further increase in recent times, due to changes in lifestyle of the people, but not much data about metabolic syndrome in Indonesia and Papua. Research was needed to complete the database. The aim of this study was to identity the proportion of the metabolic syndrome in Jayapura. A descriptive and cross sectional study was in…
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an RNA virus. It is a lentivirus, a retrovirus member family which causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). An early event in every retroviral multiplication is the integration of the viral double-stranded DNA genome into the host chromosome. The integration is facilitated by the activation of integrase.The goal of this research is to obtain the HI…