Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit infeksi yang mudah penularannya di negara tropis termasuk di Indonesia. Sampai saat ini program eradikasi untuk infeksi ini masih sangat sulit dilakukan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan model intervensi yang efektif untuk pengendalian DBD di Kabupaten Sintang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat tahun 2011. Desain penelitian ini berupa cross secti…
Galang as one ofthe 12 sub districts in the Batam city, still has the problem of malaria, it has a unique topography because it consists of several islands, coastal areas and population distribution concentrated on certain islands. Other, Galang has annual parasite index (API) 43.3 %oin 2006. The number of malaria cases in Galang showed an increase from 788 in 2 OO 6 to 2447 in 2 OO 7. Fo r sup…
One methode to detect early warning done by analyzing the pattern of the array of mosquito vectors. Through the isolation of genomic DNA obtained mosquitoes that are processed through RAPD. Analysis of RAPD products obtained from the results of all the array of DNA amplification is calculated based on the presence or absence of DNA arrays. Analysis of DNA array pattern is intended to obtain the…
Anopheles mosquito could be as a disease vector if having age for the growth of malaria parasite in its body. The research was conducted by catching mosquito in nature, namely; Using human collection, wall-resting collection, around cattle and using light trap. The caught mosquito was assessing its proportion of parous and longevity, the composition of parous proportion in each species differen…