Uterine myoma is a benign tumor from uterine myometrial layer. One of the complaints are caused by uterine myoma is abnormal bleeding which includes hipermenorea and menometroragia. Bleeding can cause many severe anemia because of blood shortages. In Indonesia in 2003, myoma uteri was found from 2.39 to 11.7% in all gynecologic patients. Based on data in 2009 data in Gynecology Ginic Dr. soetom…
Saat ini keperawatan di Indonesia masih dalam proses profesionalisme dan untuk mewujudkannya perawat harus mampu memberikan pelaynan keperawatan profesional berdasarkan pada aspirasi mulia, ketulusan demi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Berdasarkan studi anteseden yang di lakukan di Ruang Bogenvile Rumah Sakit Ngudi Waluyo dan di dapatkan 6 pasien yang di wawancarai menyatakan kepuasanny…
Background: Sweet taste is a pleasant sensation. Sweet taste is mostly consumed and fancied by many people. Physiologically, glucose is body source of energy, but if over used it can be affected to the body metabolism. This can be worsen if the person not doing a healthy lifestyle. One way to implement a healthy lifestyle is by doing physical exercises. Purpose: The aim of this study wasto dete…
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian jenis analitik, dengan desain Quasi Eksperimental dengan kelompokn kontrol. variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah pendidikan kesehatan, sedangkan variabel dependennya adalah kecemasan. sebagai populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua perempuan Pra Menopause di Sanan kulon, Kabupaten Blitar, sedangkan sampelnya adalah sebagian dari populasi, yang dipil…
Rash that happened at skin closed by napkin is one of skin disparity at baby skin as result of too long contact between wet napkin or disposible diaper. The usage of napkin and disposlble diaper can cause skin irritation at skin that closed by napkin so the baby has potency to suffer the napkin rash. Disposlble diaper consisted of inner filtering layer; intermediate layer can absorb the dilutio…
Background: The increase in the homocysteine levl is related to the heightening of blood pressure and hypertension risk. Hyperhomocysteinemia encourages the production of free radical which can oxidize lipid. Lipid peroxidation can be prevented by several antioxidant such as vitamin C and E. Objective: This study is aimed at finding out the nature of the interaction effect between homocysteine …
Metoda Kontrasepsi mantap is a contraceptive procedure involving surgical treatment, performed at women’s fallopian tubes or men’s sperm tubes. Metoda kontrasepsi mantap represents one of contrasptive procedures to terminate fertility or pregnancy. This study aimed to find out the relationship of women’s working knowledge and their attitude toward metoda kontrasepsi mantap, in tumpak Kepu…
The contraceptive methods called vasectomy is not quite well accepted In Indonesia. There are several aspects to be considered when it comes to efforts in increasing the number of vasectomy participants. That include the need for family discussion, need for elaborate information on Family investigation was aimed at identifying the existing knowledge of husbands on a contraceptive sectional desc…
We have reported previously that leek could inhibit the-SH group containing compounds depletion in rat liver intoxicated with CCl4. In this report, we present the effect of leek administration on the level of-SH group containing compounds in plasma of rats, intoxicated with CCl4, as compared to the level of these compounds in the plasma of normal rats and of CCl4 intoxicated rats. A number of r…