Abstract Objective: To analyze the difference of PlGF and TNF-α serum level between early-onset and late-onset preeclampsia.Method: This is a cross-sectional analytic comparative study comparing serum level of PlGF and TNF-α between groups with earlyand late-onset preeclampsia. Each group consists of 32 subjects who met inclusion criteria and presented to Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital orits …
Abstract Objective: To compare the score of VAS (visual analog scale), length of labor, and APGAR score in intracutaneous sterile water injection between one point technique and four points technique at Michaelis Rhomboid area in management of labor pain.Method: This is an experimental study, subjects were included by blinded controlled randomized study on 50 women with term pregnancy stage I a…
Nyeri perineum akibat robekan yang terjadi pada saat persalinan dapat dirasakan segera setelah melahirkan atau beberapa bulan kemudian, sehingga menyebabkan dispareunia. Episiotomi sebagai profilaktik untuk melindungi integritas dasar panggul merupakan insisi bedah yang lurus dan rapi akan menggantikan laserasi kasar. Sensasi nyeri akibat penjahitan luka episiotomi dapat dikurangi dengan menggu…