Background: Dental caries is a bacterial infection leading to dissolution and localized damage of hard tissues. The assessment of caries risk is based on several caries indicators including clinical conditions (DMF-T index), environment (fluor), and general health. Purpose: The objective of this study was tu assess the relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in childr…
Prevalensi stroke di Indonesia berdasarkan diagnosis tenaga kesehatan sebesar 7 per mil dan yang terdiagnosis tenaga kesehatan atau gejala sebesar 8,3 per mil (Riskesdas,2007). Pola konsumsi makanan yang buruk dapat menjadi pemicu terjadinya stroke. oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis lanjut yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola konsumsi makanan berisiko dengan kejadian stroke di I…
Background: Prevention of tuberculosis, particularly pulmonary tuberculosis in lndonesia was started in 1969, but the number of pulmonary TB patients is increasing. Methods:Ethnographic qualitative study aims to assess the independence of the community effort in preventing pulmonary TB disease transmission. Methods: of data collection participatory observation, in-depth interviews with informan…
Background: TB DO TS Strategy policy as the government's efforts in order to decrease TB patients is facilitated through the state budget cost resources, budget, global foreign aid fund, and the WHO. This qualitative study aimed to determinan poeing on cultural efforts in the prevention of pulmonary TB disease. Method of data collection participatory observation, in-depth interviews in patients…
One of the government's efforts in tackling the problems of cold lava (food victims of post Merapi eruption was building temporary shelter houses or known as hun tara. Similar with the common houses, the sanitation facilities of those shelter houses also need maintainance in order to minimize the potentiality of disease spreading. Therefore, the objective of the study was to determine the relat…
Antibiotic usage can lead to an undesirable outcome towards the infant or affecting the fetus if the medicine which consumed by pregnant moms pass through placenta. Important factors relate with medicine transfer through the placenta and its impacts to the fetus are as follow: medicine's physiochemistry, medicine transfer speed through the placenta and medicine quantity that reach the fetus, du…
Piper betle L is a well known plant used in taditional medicine, espesially used as an antibactteria. The aim ot this research is to compare antibacterial activity and mechanism of inhibition between esential oil etanol 70% extract of betle leaves on some gram (+) becteria. The experimental result showed that MC values for essential oil against Staphylococcus aureus is 7,4% (b/v), Bacillus pumi…