Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas laboratorium pemeriksa PCR COVID-19 adalah dengan pelatihan. Beberapa pelatihan terkait pemeriksaan PCR COVID-19 telah dilakukan, tetapi materi pada setiap pelatihan belum seragam. Dalam rangka menyiapkan semua laboratorium dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang sama mengenai teknis pemeriksaan Real-Time RT-PCR, keamanan serta keselamatan hayati, mak…
East Java Province is an area endemic diphtheria from 2000 to-2012., Every year is always an increase in cases (KLB), despite a high rate of immunization coverage. Common cases in both children who have been immunized or not immunized with mortality rate is quite high. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of management personnel in managing vaccine vaccines in th…
Background: Gonorrhea is one of sexually transmitted infections that have become a major health problem especially among female sex workers (FSW) in Indonesia. The objective of this article is to identify the relationship between treatment seeking behaviors, the sites of study and gonorrhea among FSW. Methods: The data that analyzed derived from cross sectional study and the respondents wer…
Background. Infant formulain powdered form(powder) is not a sterile product. It is likely to contain pathogenic microorganisms, cause infectioning the infant. E.sakazakii (Cronobacter spp) is one of the pathogens as indicatorof the safety in infant formula. Method. This survey design is cross sectional and purpose of this survey is not to conclude lot a cceptance (safety assurance to a level o…