Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas laboratorium pemeriksa PCR COVID-19 adalah dengan pelatihan. Beberapa pelatihan terkait pemeriksaan PCR COVID-19 telah dilakukan, tetapi materi pada setiap pelatihan belum seragam. Dalam rangka menyiapkan semua laboratorium dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang sama mengenai teknis pemeriksaan Real-Time RT-PCR, keamanan serta keselamatan hayati, mak…
The avian influenza (AI) H5N1 viruses have caused nearly 600 fatal cases in the world since 2003. The H5N1 AI virus is still circulating in wild birds and domestic. One of the known of AI virus pathogenicity is the ability of the nonstructural protein (NS1 and NS2) to induce cytokine storm. Mutations of the NS1 and NS2 proteins may aggravate infections. Genetic sequences of NS gene that enco…
Seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) is known to have a high concentration of iron, taurin and progesteron as testosteron precursor. Seahorse extract can increase the production of testosterone hormone of mice. On the erythrocytes development, kidney is stimulated to release erythropoietin hormone in case of hypoxia and also related with testosterone production. Erythropoietin control erythrocytes dev…
The epidemic arising out of H5N1 virus infection causes death case and material loss. Mutation of H5N1 virus that signify the increase of pathogenicity and change of dispersal of host response can be used to reference for early warning system of epidemic caused of avian influenza virus. The objective of this research is to obtain information related to molecular markers of pathogenicity of …
Background: ILI surveillance in Indonesia has been conducted since 2006, but no data on the bacteria can be detected and caused ILI has been obtained. Method: From March to December 2012, Center for Research on Biomedic and Basic Health Technology’s laboratory was receiving throat and nose swab specimens from nine Public Health Centers appointed as the sentinels for ILI surveillance. Thes…