Bibliografi : hlm. 263
Manusia adalah makhluk dengan dua dimensi yang memerlukan keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dunia dan kebutuhan akhirat. Itulah mengapa manusia memiliki emotional quotion dan Intelegentia quotion (EQ dan IQ) dan yang lebih penting adalah mengetahui Spiritual Quotion/SQ (Dr Ali Shariati 2004). KOnsep keseimbangan antara EQ dan IQ merupakan konsep Universal yang mampu memuaskan seseorang dan orang la…
Saat ini keperawatan di Indonesia masih dalam proses profesionalisme dan untuk mewujudkannya perawat harus mampu memberikan pelaynan keperawatan profesional berdasarkan pada aspirasi mulia, ketulusan demi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Berdasarkan studi anteseden yang di lakukan di Ruang Bogenvile Rumah Sakit Ngudi Waluyo dan di dapatkan 6 pasien yang di wawancarai menyatakan kepuasanny…
Temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) rhizome showed cytotoxic effect against T47D breast cancer cell line. It contains Panduratin, a chalcone compund, that has been investigated as chemopreventive agent. The exploration of extract of temu kuci as chemopreventive agent was expected to be an alternative for cancer therapy. The aim of this research was to determine the cytotoxic activities of ethan…
penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional, yang betujuan diketahuinya faktor yang mempengaruhi ibu tidak melakukan papsmear. populasi penelitian semua ibu pasangan usia subur di desa Soso kecamatan Gandusari kabupaten blitar, dengan target populasi 780 orang ibu, sedangkan sampelnya sebagian dari populasi tersebut, dipilih secara cluster sampling, sebesar 78 o…
Chiari malformation is a rare anatomic defect of the skull base. Clically, Ciari type 1 malformation patients present with complaints caused by the compression of the brainstem in the foramen magnum region, hydrocephalus, syringomyelia, increased intracranial pressure, are even can be asymptomatic. These are two case reports of Chiari 1 malformation patients with and without syringomyelia wham …
Stroke is a clinical syndrome commonly found in elderly patient, yet rarely found in children , Stroke is generally divided into ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke Clinically patients may present with headache, recurring pale, vomiting, decrease consciousness, or seizure Identification and treatment should be done immediately in order to prevent death and disability caused by further bledin…
Axiety is changing of feeling cause by someone's ignorance on health which affected by personal concept, morality environment, behavior, necessary, goal, personal relation ship, and safety, in surviving, some one need and adaptation. There two physiology ways to survive from stressor, they are Task oriented and Ego oriented reaction. Design method of this research IS descriptive explorative wit…
Exclusive breast milk feeding is breast milk feeding giving since baby born until around 6 month age without giving of other food and also addllion beverage. Department of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) has old targets fomentation to all mother to give mothers milk exclusively to their baby, but practically, execution of the fomentation a long way off. The research aim were identifi…
Preliminary observation on 8 respondents aged 3-6 years old revealed that 4 children (50%) acompanied by their parents during IV fitting showed more cooperative attitudes, while the other 4 children (50%) not accompenied by their parents exhibted less cooperative behavior. This study was aimed at stdying the impats of parent accompaniment during IV fitting on children’s level of anxiety. This…