Studi Inventori TBC (SIV-TB) Indonesia 2016-2017 merupakan studi pertama yang dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengetahui besaran kasus TBC yang didiagnosis dan/atau diobati namun tidak dilaporkan ke sistem surveilans TBC Nasional. Tujuan utama SIV-TB Indonesia 2016-2017 adalah menghitung tingkat under-reporting kasus TBC pada sistem surveilans TBC Nasional. Studi ini menggunakan desain studi c…
Adolescence is a life phase in which the future patterns of adult health are established. They are often thought of as a healthy group. However risky bevahior which will shape the adult health status starts as well in this period. A focus on adolescence is central to the success of many public health agendas. There are lots of researches containing information on Indonesian adolescent health st…
Prevalensi hipertensi pada wanita cenderung lebih tinggi dibanding laki-laki. Berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013, prevalensi hipertensi pada perempuan sebesar 28,8% dan laki-laki 22,8%. Penggunaan kontrasepsi pil pada wanita akan mempengaruhi keseimbangan hormonal di tubuh sehingga bisa mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi pil deng…
Angka kematian neonatal pada dua periode Survei Demograf Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI 2007 danSDKI 2012) masih tetap konstan yaitu sebesar 19 kematian per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Pada SDKI 2012tercatat sebanyak 268 kematian neonatal dini dan pada SDKI 2007 tercatat sebanyak 241 kematianneonatal dini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi hubungan K4 dengan kematian neonatal diniberdasarkan data R…
Valid and reliable information on causes of deaths in the community is important to provide basic data and information for health policy formulation and program development, set health priorities, evaluate program effectiveness and for research. In order to evaluate the completeness of vital registration, the mortality registration system data would be assessed through a dual record system. The…
Despite the tremendous overall improvement on maternal mortality and infant mortality still there is significant public health issue, commands and enormous amount of attention of these subjects in Indonesia. One of the main issues is how to provide high-quality services to the community in order toreduce maternal mortality and infant mortality including neonatal mortality. This article is to an…
The aim of this article is to evaluate problem related to the development of the mortality system in sentinel mortality sites (Metro city and Gorontalo District 2007-2008). Since 2006, NIHRD has established sentinel site for special surveillance of mortality in some cities and districts in some provinces.The death data sources orisinaled from the trained personnel performing detail interviews (…