A TRIAL OF Laden 5000 EC (dosage of 250,500,750 and 1000 ml/ha) was carried out using thermal fogging against DHF vector Aedes aegypti and filariasis vector Culex quinquefasciatus. Fogging was conducted in the morning arround human habitation of Salatiga Manicipility in 2007. Air bioassay lest ahowed that laden 5000 EC dosage 750 and 1000 ml/ha were effective to control Ae. Aegypti and Cx. Quin…
Dengue infection has expanded to other geographic areas in Indonesia due to changes in human ecology and behavior. I many tropical and subtropical areas of the world this viruses are endemic and causes periodic or annual outbreaks of disease. Among the complex and multifactors responsible for the increase of dengue cases, the transovarian mechanism may play an important role. This research was …
An Efficacy assessment of insecticides impregnated bed nets PermaNet “Vestegard Fransen” effectiveness was conducted in some villages of the malaria endemic areas around the Bukit Manoreh (Magelang, Purworejo and Kulonprogo Regency). The nsectiside impregnated bed nets PermaNet “vestegarted-Frandsen” were distributed on May 2003 and to be evaluated on February 2004. The efficacy assessm…
Penyakit yang ditularkan oleh serangga seperti demam berdarah Dengue, Filaria, Cikunguya dan sering terjadi letusan di Masyarakat, hal ini perlu dicari cara yang tepat untuk pengendalian vektornya. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi/daya bunuh insektisida SUMITHRIN 100 ME (d--phenothrin 100 g/I) aplikasi chermal fogging (pengasapan) dengan perlarut air, terhadap nyamuk Ae…