Infancy (0-12 months) is the most important period in human development. This is due in this period of brain development and intelligence that will affect adulthood (Winarno, 1990). Developmental disorder is a condition in which the child is not able to achieve the developmental tasks at the expected time. Disorder can occur in many areas of development, for example in motorik, language, social…
ABSTRACT Total Fertility Rate ( TFR ) in Indonesia is 2.3 children per woman. Government pressed the population growth with family planning programs that is the long-term contraceptive method ( LTM ) i.e IUD, implant, MOP/MOW. Phenomenon that occur in the community that decision-makers to use family planning is husband including the selection of contraceptive research. This research is aimed t…
Lack of information or inappopriate of information on medicine and traditional medicine caused unsuitable utilization of them. The objective of this study was analyzing the regulation of the medicine and traditional medicines information announcement and the implementation of the relevant institutions as well even in the central, provincial and district level. Cross sectional study with qualita…
Study on the last effect of neuropsychologic dysfunction due to iodine deficiency during gestation is still scarce. This study is to confirm the persistence of neuropsychological dysfunctions at 12-year-old of children born from pregnant mothers with iodine deficiency in endemic iodine deficient area. The study is 13-year-cohort design. Iodine status (Total T4, TSH and UIE) of pregnant mothers …
Background: Act Number 36 of 2009 on Health states that the government has the responsibility to regulate the planning, procurement, empowerment, and control/ing of the quality of health workers in performing health care in lndonesia. Meanwhile the Government Regulation Number 51 of 2009 requires that the practice of pharmacy must be done by pharmacist and one of the health facilities conduetin…
Pneumonia is a major health problem affecting children all over the world and remains a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Children with micronutrients deficiency including zinc, which might cause immune system disorder, have higher risk to have pneumonia. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between plasma zinc level and pneumonia, sev…
Background: Low plasma total glutathione (tGSH) levels, elevated levels of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and low ratios of tGSH to GSSG in autism were reported. Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are antioxidant enzymes that play important role in cellular detoxification and the excretion of environmental pollutants including heavy metals. Glutathione S-transferase mu (GSTM1) and Glutathione S-tran…