Aspartat amino transferase (AST}-platelet ratio index (APRI), bilirubin level and venectation of the pediatric cholestatic patient in Kariadi Hospital Semarang Background: Cholestasis occurs when there is obstruction in the secretion of various substances, causing substances retention in the liver and cause damage to liver cells. The number of patients with cholestasis in infants and children…
Plant phenols have been reported to have inhibitory effects on glutathions S-transferase (GST) activity when 1-chloro 2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) is used as a work was aimed to study on the effects of curcumin and its analogues on liver GST activity of phenobarbital and Betha-naptoflavone-treated rats. The product of the inhibition of GST-activity on the conjugation reaction between glatathione a…