Anemia gizi besi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sering dialami ibu hamil meskipun pemerintah telah memberikan tablet Fe minimal sebanyak 90 tablet selama kehamilan untuk mecukupi kebutuhan zat besi ibu hamil. Upaya penanggulangan masalah zat besi dipadukan dengan kegiatan Usaha perbaikan Gizi Kleuarga (UPGK) dengan cara membagi tablet Fe pada ibu hamil di posyandu, polindes dan puekesmas. Pe…
Ibuproten is an antiinflamatory drugs with poor solubility in water but good permeability in the gastrointestinal tract. Liquisolid tablet is the one method of increasing solubility and dissolution rate of ibuproten. The aims of this study was to determie the effect of glycerine and proprotein. The aims of this study was to determine the effect of gilcerine and propylene glicol as non volatile…
Abstract: This study aims identify the faktors that affect adherence of pregnant women taking iron tablets. The design used was discriptif eksploratif, the samples size 35 sampels taken using accidentalsampling technique. Result study found that the factor of understanding about the importance of pregnant women to consume enough iron 57% adequate ; 26% good and 17% less, terquality faktor int…
Captopril has only 6-8 h duration of antihypertensive action, most stable at acidic condition and as the pH increased, it becomes unstable and undergoes a degradation reaction.These facts indicate a promising potential of the captopril floating system as an alternative to the conventional dosage form.The objective of the recent investigation was to find an optimum formula of floating tablet for…
Abstract: Formulation of lozenges containing: A) green tea extract; B) green tea extract with sodium ascorbate; and C) green tea extract with grape seed extract have been carried out. Antioxidant activities were compared to the activity of raw active materials. Lozenges were tested for physical characteristics, hedonic values, dissolution rate, and stability during storage. Physical tests indic…