Background: Low back pain (LBP) is the second cause of pain after headache and remains one of the most comrnon symptoms for see ing a physician. About 90% of LBP is caused by mechanical factor. There are various physical modalities to relieve pain, such as, Short Wave Diathermy (SWD) and Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) which are proved to be useful to relieve pain. The aim of …
Low back pain (LBP) is the most frequent health problem in all age groups,including postmenopausal women, who are at risk of disability, due to degenerative processes affecting all organ systems, including the erector spinae muscles. In addition, postmenopausal women also experience a decrease in esterogen levels,which stimulates osteoclastic activity and initiates a reduction in bone mineral …
Background: Low Back Pain (LBP) is the most frequently reported musculoskeletal disorder in workers. This study was aimed to develop risk prediction model of low back pain that can be used to prevent the recurring low back pain attack. Methods: The study was case-control design based on the industrial community by using ergonomical approach. Total samples were 91 workers for cases and 91 wor…
Low back pain (LBP) was an important public health problem which ranked second after upper respiratory infectionin adults. WHO has recommended acupuncture for pain treatment. However, there was a lack of study that show the optimal frequency of electroacupuncture for pain treatment. This study aimed to determine the optimal frequency of electroacupuncture for the treatment of low back pain. Thi…
Kecemasan sering terjadi pada ibu bersalin kala I dalam menghadapi proses persalinan. N yeri persalinan menimbulkan stres yang merangsang pelepasan hormon katekolamin dan steroid sehingga terjadi ketegangan otot polos dan vasokontriksi pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan penurunan sirkulasi uteroplasenta (iskhemia uterus) dan impuls nyeri bertambah banyak. Salah satu upaya untuk ~. ngurangi kece…
Low back pain and depression as health problem for the public community and often hapaned to the productive age people with heavy physical work and elderly people. Both can be influeancing and making worse each other. Usually LBP appreared first before depression. LBP and depression defecfed to the productivity, also in daily activity and increased health budget twice. In England at 2003, absen…
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system constitute a comsiderable health problem in industrialized societies. Low back pain (LBP) remain a comon and costly problem among the workers. Worplace injuries, primarily musculoskeletal disorder, are a pesistent problem for nursing. A cross-sectional study was conducted to invesgate prevalence of LBP as well as the potential risk factors associated with…
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Perbedaan pengaruh antara metode latihan William Fleksi dan Metode latihan Mc Kenzie terhadap pengurangan nyeri punggung bawah pengrajin rotan Desa Trangsan; 2) Perbedaan pengaruh terhadap pengurangan nyeri punggung bawah antara kelompok umur dewasa awal dan dewasa tengah pengrajin rotan desa Trangsan; 3) Interaksi antara metode latihan dan kelompok umur…