The Initiation of early give a suck is very useful for the mother and baby. About 30.000 babies in Indonesia can be saved ever)) year i f this program can be implemented in every mother who get childbirth to her baby. The purpose of this research is to know the factors which can influence the initiation of early give a suck, there is lactation process relationship with IMD of age, education, pa…
Pandangan serta sikap setiap petugas kesehatan atau orang tua sangat penting untuk memahami tentang arti imunisasi, Kepercayaan dan perilaku kesehatan orang tua merupakan hal yang penting, karena kesehatan anak berkaitan erat dengan perilaku dan kepercayaan ibu dalam mengikuti program imunisasi. Akan tetapi, perdebatan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini berkisar pada kemungkinan hubungan autisme deng…
Degenerative, wrong eating habit of sodium and 'fat, wrong lifestyle, smoking, alcohol intake and stressJullife are some of known risk Jactors for hypertension among elderly. Geriatric (elderly) in Indonesia is a group of residents that become the focus of attention because of the number of elderly is increase, and brought variety of health problems. Hypertension is an important public health i…
It is necessary to provide basic data needed for health basic data needed for health program development in Kepulauan Seribu District. This survey has been carried out to collect figure about the people’s knowlege about malaria. The data was collected through interviews using a questionnaire to 250 household resondents. Besides a survey was also conducted by the medical teamMBS to get informa…
Target cakupan ASI ekslusif oleh Depkes RI sebesar 80% masih sulit dilaksanakan. Berbagai studi menunjukkan cakupan ASI ekslusif di Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Ada berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagalan pelaksanaan ASI eksklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali berbagai faktor predisposisi, pemungkin, dan pendorong yang berhubungan dengan keberhasilan atau kegag…