Lentigo solaris is a hiperpigmented lsionthat caused by natural or artificial ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This lesion showed taht there is an increase in risk of melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer. Diagnosis of lentigosolaris is improtant, because it is benign lesion with variable clinical manifestation. Lentigo solaris be diiferentiatedwith lentigo maligna which is a carcinoma of the skin. I…
This study reports on the usefulness of IgM anti phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1) antibody detection using Mycobacterium leprae particle agglutination (MLPA) test in a schoolchildren survey compared with a community survey in leprosy endemic areas, Indonesia. Two villages with total registered persons 1729 and 3077 respectively were chosen to determine the seroprevalence of each village. Among 510…