The prevalence of Hypertension increase due to modern lifesyle, eating pattern, increasing of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Hypertension is thought to affect 1 billion people in the world' it is going to make a burden for the cost of therapy, besides the hypertension the risk to develop to cardiovasculer disease. Hypertension management shows that besides antihypertension drug, diet seems to …
Proses penuaan berhubungan dengan beberapa perubahan pada kekakuan arteri besar, sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik dan pelebaran tekanan nadi, yang merupakan peranda dan hipertensi essensial atau hipertensi primer. Latihan olahraga aerobik rutin diketahui mengurangi kekakuan arteri s besar dan hasilnya dapat menurunkan tekanan darah lengan pada dewasa, tetapi hanya sedikit…
The invention of conservative methode such as endoscopy sclerotherapi and Trans Jugular Porto Systemic Shunt (TJPSS) procedure is decreasing in usage. Using the operative decompressie procedure like porto caval or spleno renal shunt is preferable. In the last decade, lever transplantation method has been developed amazingly since it causes 80 percent of five years survival.