Objective: To study the effect cyclical substitution therapic of estrogen and progesterone in the alteration of uterine artery blood course. Design: Retrospective, descriptive. Setting: Menopause polyclinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology School of Medicine University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 10 post-menopau…
Objective: To evaluate the clinical changes occurring in post-menopausal, presenile and senile periods correlating with a deficiency in estrogen level, the occurrence of osteoporosis (diagnosis was established by bone CTSCAN) treated with conjugated estrogen + progesterone and calcium. Design/Data identification: Analytical clinical study Setting: (1) Menopause Polyclinic, Department of Obstetr…