Abstract Hospitalized patients have a high risk of getting nosocomial infections due to various reasons. They tend to be more susceptible to infection because of their underlying disease condition, and they have higher when patients undergo invasive procedures. If the patient's immune system is impaired, the non-pathogenic microorganism are capable of causing disease. Map is a method of illust…
As the place for taking care of sick people, hospitals nonetheless can play as the source of infections, one of which is nosocomial infection that may lead to many disadvantages. This study was aimed to understand the description of nosocomial infection incidence in Wonosari General Hospital throughout 2011 by conducting an observational study with descriptive approach. The number of samples we…
Effectivaness Hand Wash with Alcohol Glyserin for prevention Nosocomial Infection. Prevention of nosocomial infection must be integrated, one of wich in to limit transmission of the organism of between patients by washing your hands and use gloves. Hospital staff wash their hands when going contact with patients is important to prevent the occurrence of nosocomial infections (S. Sumarno Purwo S…
Abstract : Description of increasing bacterial resistance (In Vitro) causes of nosocomial infections in the postoperative wound samples to several antibiotics. This study aims to determine the increase in the percentage increase in resistance to the bacteria that cause nosocomial infections wound sampling postoperative hospital patient referrals from April to June' 2008 to the antibiotic amikac…