Contrary to the common assumption that pre-menopause women are protected from hypertension by estrogen, blood pressure measurement Riskesdas 2007 showed that the hypertension prevalence of women begin to catch up that of male on the age of 35 years. This article intends to discuss the increasing of hypertension prevalence among women using gender perspective on government policy of family plann…
The use of contraceptive methods by reproductive age women in Indonesia is influenced by their socioeconomic status. The ability to pay of these women needs` to be considered to ensure the success of the national family planning program. This study used data of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010. The aims of the study is to determine the cost of contraceptive methods paid by married wome…
Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) disebut juga dengan alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (AKDR) adalah alat kontrasepsi yang digunakan oleh wanita usia subur yang diinsersi ke dalam vagina. Di Nusa Tenggara Barat jumlah aseptor jenis IUD cukup besar, sedangkan faktor mikroba (bakteri dan jamur) penyebab kemungkinan terjadinya infeksi saluran reproduksi pada aseptor IUD khususnya di Kota Mataram belum pernah…
ABSTRACT: Teenagers are the most the world's population, approximately one-fifth of the world's population is youth and 900 million are in developing countries. Most of the 63 million people in Indonesia are vulnerable teenager unhealthy behavior. In Indonesia 6 of 10 women who had been married 15-19 years of age use contraception,57% use modem contraception and traditional contraceptives …
Prevalensi hipertensi pada wanita cenderung lebih tinggi dibanding laki-laki. Berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013, prevalensi hipertensi pada perempuan sebesar 28,8% dan laki-laki 22,8%. Penggunaan kontrasepsi pil pada wanita akan mempengaruhi keseimbangan hormonal di tubuh sehingga bisa mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi pil deng…