Lemon fruits (Citrus aurantiifotia Gristm. & Panzer Swingle) is often used by people as a flavor enhancer in foods and to etiminate the fishy odor of, shellfish and other seafood. The main content of orange juice is citric acid. Citric acid can function as a metal chelator. By immersing the clams inio the lemon water solution are expected to form complexes between citric acid and metal in the f…
ruh masyarakat Lampung mengkonsumsi nasi sebagai makanan pokok sehari-hari, tetapi dalam proses budidaya padi ternyatapencemaran lingkungan dan penggunaan pupuk dapat menyebabkan kontaminasi logam Cd keProvinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu pusat produsen beras di Indonesia. Selu dalam beras. Pajanan cadmium terus menerus menimbulkan risiko gangguan kesehatan, untuk itu dilakukan analisisrisiko …
Pasaran island is one of the island residing in precisely by the side of.Teluk Lampung, Bandar Lampung which its society have a habit to consume fish 3 time a day society of Pasaran Island exposures by cadmium metal through fish (risk agent) which is consumed. Cadmium exposure health trouble risk, so analyse risk affect cadmium (Cd) in fish to public health. This research is risk analysis study…
A study of the effect of a single dose injection of CdCl2 solution (2.5, and 3.5 mg CdCl2/kg of body weight) on fetal development and histological changes in liver and Kidney of the 7th day pregnant mice (Mus musculus L.) was conducted. Observations were made on the 18th day of pregnancy. Statistical analysis, using Kruskal-Wallis test, indicated that there were no significant differences (y=0.…