One way to improve the quality of psychomotor skills to medical students is implementation of medical skills. Leaning activities of medical skills in FK uII are communication skill, physical examination and procedural skill. Various actitivities of medical skill are lagely carried out using mannequins and simulated patients (SPs). Objective Sructural Clinic Examination (OSCE) is used to assess …
Problem Based Learning (PBL) has been 'be learning method in wbich students are given problem initiaID•,Jollowed l?J the process cif infor71lation seeking done as student-cm/end activity. By PBL, students knOJvledge retention is expected to be bightr find to applY the knowkdge for ev(liu(/ting and orglmiz.jng patients in clinic as well (IS developing medical science. The data of Graduate Medi…
Marker of stress in human could be seen by increased level of cortisol in the blood. The higher level of stress, the higher cortisol level in the blood. Smoking would accelerate the release of endorphin in the central nervous system which causes a sense of happy and then stress trigger will be reduced. According to Sholeh in 2001, tahajud could reduce the level of cortisol in the human body. Th…