To find out biomarker as diagnostic tool of H. Pylori chronic gastritiswho fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The diagnosis of H. Pylori chronic gastritis was based on histopathological examination and PCR with ure C primer of the gastric biopsy specimen. In addition, we also performed the examination of serum gastrin, pepsinogen (PG) I and PG (Pepsinogen) II level. By using analy…
To study the efficacy of Nigella sativa in central obese men on serum freetestosterone, body weight, waist circumference, blood sugar, lipid, uric acid, adiponectin, hs-CRP, and side effects in the treatment group compare to control. An experimental, clinical test, double blined with placebo control, pre-test and post-test design. Subjects are 30-45 years old, devided into the treatment and co…
This research have a purpose to identify SAP as acute phase protein from mice which inoculated Salmonella enteritis with the method SDS. PAGE. Its important is role SAP in detecting early case of infection and inflammation, as protector of infectif agent and prevent the culture degradasi pass role antiproteinase, so that require to be isolation SAP. Used 80 mouse old three months of mean weight…